Why shadow work and repeating affirmations aren’t healing your trauma (and how to unplug from the matrix to find your true self)

SheWolf Impact with Michaela Adelsberger

Jul 4 2022 • 30 mins

Are you constantly doing shadow work and trying to figure out how to heal trauma from the past?

Practicing EFT tapping, repeating affirmations, or trying to reprogram your mind by diving deep into subconscious work?

Do any of these practices bring you any closer to your true self?

What if I told you that the only way to really be free is to unplug from the matrix, or 3D paradigm?

So many people are struggling to manifest their desires. But, in reality, you are limitless potential. And, the truth is you don’t need anything but present moment awareness, and the knowledge that all you have is now.

Welcome to episode 2 of She Wolf Impact! In today’s episode, I am sharing my own unplugging event story and the methods you can use to unplug from the matrix.

I’m also explaining how there is only one truth, and when you realize you’re one with source there is no longer separation. When you let go of duality, you experience that you are limitless, the creator of your life, and here to command miracles every day.

Remember, your true self is whole and it always has been!

Until next time,


Are you ready to unplug? Let’s use the matrix from the outside in! You can find me spreading the word here:

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