Finding the Beautiful State | Exploring Childhood Wounds as a Map to Peace

The Unbecoming Platypus

May 7 2024 • 46 mins

Have you ever found yourself sipping on San Pellegrino instead of typical tap water, only to realize the small change was a lifesaver for your mental health? This episode is peppered with such light-hearted revelations, yet it digs into the crucial, and often overlooked, landscape of burnout and the essential practice of self-care. We share our own tales and tactics for maintaining sanity in a world filled with chaos - think meditation, nature walks, and the artful dance of balancing caring for loved ones with navigating the exhausting ordeal of everyday tasks, like the dreaded car shopping experience.

Life's a journey of self-discovery, and finding peace within that can often feel like an elusive quest. Reflecting on the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer, we tackle the fallacy of control and the transformative power of living in the moment. We lay bare the emotional defenses we put up that mask our deeper needs for validation and love, and how acknowledging this can unlock profound personal insights. Through candid conversations, we explore the use of gratitude as a lens to reframe life's challenges and the joy of embracing the finite nature of our existence to extract the richness of every moment.

In the professional realm, self-awareness and emotional intelligence are king. We delve into how understanding our emotional triggers and balancing the pursuit of external validation with self-worth can lead to not just surviving but thriving in challenging work environments. The episode also highlights the immeasurable value of mentorship and the internal struggle to embrace our limitations as opportunities for growth. Join us as we piece together life's puzzle, learning to integrate the unexpected and create our own pieces when the need arises, and thank you for being a part of this reflective odyssey.