Origins : Embracing Vulnerability

The Unbecoming Platypus

Jan 16 2024 • 57 mins

Ever felt like you're on display for merely indulging in your passions, only to be misunderstood or judged? This episode is a heartfelt journey through the landscape of vulnerability, where we wear our hearts on our sleeves and invite others to do the same. Our discussion orbits the seemingly impenetrable personas of public figures and circles back to our own, often raw, experiences. We navigate through the societal pressures of authenticity and how revealing our true selves can foster profound connections and a sense of genuine belonging.

Amidst our confessions, we tackle vulnerability's shadowy counterpart – shame, especially through the lens of an enneagram type eight. Assertive characters like us sometimes sidestep vulnerability, armoring up to evade the quagmire of shame. Yet, in sharing a personal tale of game night, we uncover a truth; even the most self-assured among us crave the intimacy of one-on-one connections where our defenses can fall away. It's in these spaces that we gamble on vulnerability, betting on the chance for deeper understanding and kinship.

In the digital realm, we grapple with the double-edged sword of personal exposure on social media. From posting a single pizza photo to divulging life's hurdles, we question the pursuit of acceptance versus the simple joy of sharing. This episode doesn't shy away from the discomfort that can accompany vulnerability, but it also celebrates the bravery it takes to peel back the layers of our lives. As we contemplate the delicate dance of privacy and honesty online, we learn that the path to self-acceptance and authentic connections is paved with the very vulnerabilities we sometimes fear to show.