Selling To C-Suite | Julie Thomas

How To Sell More

Apr 9 2024 • 32 mins

You’ve finally landed a long-sought after meeting with C-suite executives. Now what?

Time is of the essence, so forget the demo and focus on what’s important to them.

This week, Mark is joined by Julie Thomas, the president and CEO of ValueSelling Associates. Julie is an expert in sales leadership and value selling strategies, specializing in helping organizations effectively engage and sell to high-level executives. They discuss some of the secrets to establishing credibility early with C-suite executives, and how aligning with their objectives rather than pushing your own agenda is key to forming successful business partnerships.

Here are some of the topics Mark and Julie discuss in this episode:

  • Why time is probably one of the scarcest resources for most executives

  • Why trust is the foundation of any C-suite relationship

  • The importance of referrals as a key to the executive suite

  • How getting to talk to the top leaders is a mix of skill and who you know

  • Why selling to the C-suite requires a shift from product features to strategic outcomes

  • How to prepare for C-suite meetings

  • Why C-suite executives don't care about the solution

  • Why how you sell is just as important as what you sell

  • The importance of being authentic

  • What you put out there is what you’re going to get back

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