From Invisible to Influential: How to Create Inspired Content | Amanda Natividad

How To Sell More

Apr 23 2024 • 40 mins

How much thought do you give to the content you post?

And after sharing, how invested are you in reading and responding to the comments?

Do you take the feedback to heart?

This week, Mark is joined by Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing at audience research startup SparkToro, to pinpoint what your audience values most. At SparkToro, Amanda has launched a popular webinar series and an audience research newsletter with over 50,000 subscribers. No stranger to innovation and engagement in her field, she previously spearheaded marketing at Growth Machine and contributed to Fitbit’s B2B team.

In this episode, they explore how prioritizing content that resonates with your audience helps enhance your brand and foster community.

Here are some of the topics Mark and Amanda discuss:

  • Why community management and growth means rolling up your sleeves and doing the work

  • Why often the best way to respond to other people’s posts is by posting your own take

  • How genuine engagement and responsiveness foster community

  • The importance of showing people that you're actually engaging and listening to their feedback

  • Why your content has to be a good match for the platform you’re posting on

  • Why you shouldn’t post for the sake of posting, but post when you have something to say

  • Focus on business outcomes, not marketing metrics

  • How to create content that grows your business in a meaningful way

  • How creating your own IP allows your content to be more sustainable over time

  • What Amanda values most in her work and career

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