Hiring & Recruiting the Smart Way, Part 2 with Dan Fleisher of HireBus

Elite Business Advice Podcast

Feb 6 2024 • 27 mins

In last week’s episode, Part 1 of our series, we explained how Painting Contractors can help fill the top of the funnel to ensure they have a lot of interest in people working for their business. In today’s episode, we’re going to explain how to set up the right systems and automation to ensure the candidates you are spending time on the phone and in-person with are the correct potential candidates for your available position!

Interested in learning more about how HireBus can be an asset for your business? Visit www.hirebus.com/elitebusinessadvisors.

Need help getting your business off to the right start in 2024? Schedule a free business analysis meeting with us at www.elitebusinessadvisors.com!