Free Yourself From this Bondage

Dear Life Warriors

May 26 2023 • 57 seconds

Someone paralyzed my growth by projecting their fears on me. Are you like me where you get the most amazing ideas, take action on them, but drop the ball somewhere in the middle and never see them to the finish line?

If you can relate, let me help you free yourself from this bondage. I’ve discovered someone or maybe it’s a few people you’ve met along your journey that planted a very toxic seed in your life that won’t allow you to finish.

I need you to go back in your pile that is stuck at the gate and pick one of your projects that you really felt passionate about. Now I am asking you the following:

🤔 Who told you that you would never make it?

🙁Who projected their fears on you?

😢Who told you that you are not worthy?

➡️ Who paralyzed your growth?

Let’s pick back up where we left off and finish this time!

#yourhealthyreality #mondaymotivation
#leadershipdevelopment #lifecoachingtips #lifecoach