Lead as your authentic self

Dear Life Warriors

Jun 30 2022 • 3 mins

Dear Life Warriors, I'm happy to introduce to you Sarah . Meet Sarah VP, People Pillar 4 Media who was a very kind leader and her approach to leadership was unmatched. She was very kind and everyone who got to work with her would applaud her for her Kindness.

Watch her full episode: https://youtu.be/TdpNJkQEl_g

Purchase Char’s Journal:  https://www.amazon.com/30-DAYS-NEW-YO...


Dear Life Warrior’s mission is to empower people of color with unyielding tenacity to hang on until destiny is fulfilled.

Our vision is that everyone that watches Dear Life Warriors will have a great understanding that the Journey of Life is a process, and if a process is to be fruitful it will take determination to reach completion.

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