100: Juliet Funt — A Minute to Think: Reclaim Creativity, Conquer Busyness, and Do Your Best Work

Intentional Leader with Cal Walters

Jun 7 2023 • 47 mins

Featured in top media outlets such as Forbes, CNBC, and Fast Company, Juliet Funt is a globally renowned keynote speaker, tough-love advisor to the Fortune 500, founder and CEO of the efficiency training firm, Juliet Funt Group.

Juliet is the author of A Minute to Think, nominated for the Next Big Idea Club curated by Malcolm Gladwell, Dan Pink, Susan Cain and Adam Grant. She is an evangelist for freeing the potential of companies by unburdening their talent from busywork, and she has brought her powerful concepts to Spotify, National Geographic, Anthem, Vans, Abbott, Costco, Pepsi, Nike, Wells Fargo, Sephora, Sysco, and ESPN.

Be sure to follow Juliet on LinkedIn and send her your questions/comments at juliet@julietfunt.com

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