How To Check Your Progress (#182)

Career Growth Made Easy

Nov 27 2023 • 18 mins

How To Check Your Progress
"Am I making progress?" Well, if you're not sure how to define it, let's discuss how to track your progress today and see how much you've grown.

But how can we accurately determine if you've actually improved or not? It's more than a feeling. Let's see some results!

What kind of metric can we use to gauge how much we've progressed? It' time to perform a self-check.

I recently spoke at Crooms Academy and shared career growth tips with the high school students

How does inflation affect us?

How do you make sure your pay raise increases with inflation?

Make sure you are always 'moving the needle' with your performance at work

Let's explore some important terms for today's episode

When you grow professionally, you grow personally!

What is your level of satisfaction with your job?

Let's review!