#22 Why Workplace Culture is Everyone's Responsibility! with Jen Y from Intentional Generations

Winning In Work

Oct 3 2022 • 56 mins

This week I spoke to Jennifer Young from Intentional Generations. Jen focuses on wellbeing and creating intentionally positive company cultures. She started her company following her own experience in a toxic work environment and was conscious not only how it affected her mental health in the office but also how it affected everyone else around her.

If our environment is toxic and we feel powerless within it, we become a product of our environment. So ask yourself what environments you sit in?

In this podcast we discuss mental health. If any of these topics affect you please see below a list of helplines and helpsites. You are not alone in this.

Need to talk in New Zealand? Free call or text 1737 any time for support from a trained counsellor.