Business and Life Success As An Interior Designer: CEO Mastermind Conversations

Time to Level Up

Jan 16 2024 • 42 mins

Are you one of the many people who aspire to turn their creative passion into a business?

You might love the idea of being the boss of your own creative business. Usually, those schooled in their creative craft aren’t taught how to run a business. So perhaps you’ve thought about it but haven’t gone through with it because of doubts about its profit potential.

What if you could see what’s it like to be the owner and CEO of a successful creative business? I invited four mastermind clients (Nicole, Holly, Whitney, and Tiffany) to talk about how they navigate the world of business as interior designers.

In this episode of Time to Level Up, you’ll get a view of what it’s like to run a business and have a life that works for you as an owner of a creative business. These four women will teach you how they balance the need for client satisfaction and personal creativity, delegate tasks in their business, and more.

3:30 - How they meet the needs of their clients while also meeting their own needs as creatives

9:10 - What CEOs and business owners are and what these women find hard about embodying those roles as creatives

14:57 - What they’ve delegated in their business and how handing tasks off to others has changed things for them

26:45 - How they embrace the unknown and identify the real problem in their business

33:27 - Final advice whether you’re a new entrepreneur or have been in business for a few years

Mentioned In Business and Life Success As An Interior Designer: Creative CEO Mastermind Conversations

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