Shift Your Mindset to Succeed in Your Teaching Business

James business talk

Mar 10 2023 • 1 hr 5 mins

Jordan recently increased his rate to $1200 per student and is getting students every week. But it wasn’t like this after he graduated from the 21-Day Challenge in April 2021 a year ago. He struggled a lot at first and didn't get the results he expected. But he didn't quit or compare himself with others. Instead, he worked on his mindset and concentrated on the transformation from teacher to teacher-entrepreneur. "I need to shift my mindset so I can succeed in my teaching business," Jordan said.

Listen to this podcast to learn how to:

👉 Concentrate on our own journey 👉 Recognize every small success 👉 Develop a growth mindset

Find more about the 21-Day Teacher-Entrepreneur Challenge

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