Develop Your Own System for Social Media Posting

James business talk

Feb 10 2023 • 1 hr 2 mins

Hannah has been a traditional ESL teacher for 12 years with DELTA and CELTA under her belt. She used to work for language schools but decided to go independent in Feb 2021.

She learned from the 21-Day Challenge that she had to use social media to get students… But had she never used social media for marketing, and she struggled big time with posting online. She literally sat in front of her computer for hours just to come up with 1 post. She almost gave up on her business after the first few months.

Luckily, after 1 year and a half, Hannah has not only increased her rate to $100 an hour but also developed her own system to generate post ideas and found her own voice in posting.

Listen to this podcast to learn more about Hannah's journey as a teacher-entrepreneur as well as

👉 How to streamline and create systems for posting

👉 How to learn from your niche to create resonating posts

👉 How to find your own voice in posting to build your authority

Find more about the 21-Day Teacher-Entrepreneur Challenge

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