Interview with Graeme Stanway (Electric Mine Consortium)

Mining Green

Mar 24 2022 • 45 mins

In this episode of Mining Green, Brett speaks to Graeme Stanway (from State of Play) about the Electric Mine Consortium. State of Play was one of the founding members of the Electric Mine Consortium back in 2020.

The Electric Mine Consortium was set up as a collaboration between a number of different mining companies, OEMs, and technology providers to help facilitate the transition to an electric mine. The mining companies include the likes of Goldfields, South32, OZ Minerals, Evolution, Newcrest, Blackstone Minerals, along with OEMs such as Sandvik, Epiroc, ZERO Automotive, and some other tech suppliers such as Energy Vault.

Electric Mine Consortium is made up of six different working groups. These are energy storage, mine design, heavy underground equipment, light and auxiliary equipment for underground, and electric infrastructure, and the newest one being surface and long haulage.

More info on the Electric Mine Consortium can be found on their website here:

We covered a lot of ground in the interview with Graeme, particularly around what the Electric Mine Consortium is doing and why. However, we also covered some bigger questions, such as switching perceptions of the mining industry through decarbonisation.

Below is a list of the topics we covered in the interview.

  • Why was the Electric Mine Consortium formed?
  • How are the 6 Electric Mine Consortium working packages progressing?
  • What are the schedules/timelines for these different working packages?
  • How does the Electric Mine Consortium operate? How is it funded? How were the working packages decided?
  • Would government funding help achieve your goals faster?
  • Fostering innovative thinking/collaboration between mining companies
  • Why are members joining the Electric Mine Consortium?
  • Applying carbon pricing in studies
  • Onsite technology trials
  • Learning from the Canadian experience & other overseas electric operations
  • Rethinking mining for electric mining
  • Electric Mine Consortium foundation members & organic member growth
  • Future of the Electric Mine Consortium
  • Areas outside of the Electric Mine Consortium’s current working groups (processing etc)
  • Decarbonisation of the mining industry. Is there an appetite for it?
  • Switching perceptions of the mining industry
  • Carbon metrics

More details on what was covered in the interview can be found on our blog post here:

The interview can also be watched on YouTube here:


Interview blog post

Electric Mine Consortium

You can also download their latest report "Electric Mine Consortium: A Case Study on Transformative Collaboration" from this page

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On the Mining Green podcast, we share inspiring stories of how the mining industry is leading the way to a net-zero future. We'll cover the technologies that will enable the transition (think battery-electric vehicles, green hydrogen, and renewable energy for a start), the challenges that need to be overcome, the benefits that will arise, and how the mining industry can lead the way towards a cleaner future.

Mining Green is brought to you by Inspirit Consulting. Inspirit Consulting is an independent mining consultancy, with a strength in strategic mine planning. We're also passionate about innovative mining technology, and the decarbonisation of the mining industry. The sorts of topics we discuss on Mining Green.

Please get in touch if you need a hand looking at an innovative new approach at your mine site.

Contact Brett at

Brett Dunstone is the driving force behind Mining Green and Inspirit Consulting.

Brett is a mining engineer with 20+ years of experience in the mining industry. He has worked in (or consulted for) many mining operations across Australia (and overseas), both underground and open-pit. He is passionate about technology (particularly electric vehicles) and the financial and sustainability benefits it can bring to the mining industry.