Deb chats with Charmaine Fraser, Witness to a Creature in Scotland

Deborah Hatswell Creatures, Mystery and the Unknown

Apr 22 2023 • 15 mins

Charmaine Fraser's Account: These experiences happened at my grandparents property they out in the Carmyllie Forest. The first incident took place during the day when I was sent out to get the newspapers that got delivered to the neighbours at the bottom of the road. I was with the dog and we were coming down the long path that leads to the track running past the bottom of the property and out on to the farm road. Just before I got onto the track the dog stopped suddenly and started to growl, whine and bare her teeth.

I remember seeing the hair rising on her back, but I carried on past her for a few paces ending up on the track. I just thought she had heard a fox or something and that had her spooked.  I carried on to get the newspapers and I looked up at that moment and I couldn't believe what I was seeing,  I saw a large black figure further along the track standing with its back to me.  I dont think it knew I was there or just it wasn't bothered by me being there, It was reaching up to a branch on a tree, and just carried on as if I wasn't watching.

It was at the side of the track and was very tall, and it had a thick build with no neck and wide shoulders, it was hairy all over.  I remember standing in shock for a second or two before screaming and turning to run back to the house, as I screamed it slowly started to turn around but I didn't hang about to see its face. Needless to say my reports of seeing a monster were not taken seriously and dismissed as it probably being a neighbour. I can't give an exact year but I was around 8/9 years old (This is an estimation as I remember drawing a picture of it in primary 5 at school) so that puts it around 1980/81 and I don't have an exact time of year but the leaves were out on the trees so it would have been sometime between early summer and Autumn.

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