Jul 21 2022
E19: Non-Negotiables: How To Live With Intention, Not Bad Habits
“It’s not a goal. It’s a non-negotiable”. That is how we define what REALLY matters to us in life. In this episode, Jeremy and Dina discuss the importance and the art of setting rules for life. Why? Because with a set of rules we create for ourselves and those around us, we’re able to stay focused on what we truly believe in, be it in relationships, career, health, fitness, or any other area of life. Join Jeremy and Dina on their journeys to Balanced Life Mastery. If you are on a path of achievement, but know you want more fulfilment out of life, this is the show for you. Tune in weekly! Check out your BalanceQ Score and see how you're doing on the path to a high performing and balanced life https://balanceq.scoreapp.com/ #NonNegotiables #Resilience #Podcast #Improveyourlife #worklifeBalance #highperformance #careerdevelopment #habits #stress #BalancedLife