The Spiritual Guide: Paula Crossfield on Emotion, Entrepreneurship and Vedic Astrology EP 46

Emotional Expedition: A Journey of Healing with Meghan Thomas

Jun 13 2023 • 55 mins

In this episode of the Emotional Expedition Podcast Meghan Thomas interviews Paula Crossfield, a vedic astrologer and business coach. Paula shares her journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. She discusses her early life, her travels, and her deep connection with different cultures and spirituality. Paula is a beacon of inspiration and wisdom. Paula begins by sharing her personal journey growing up in Oklahoma, revealing how she navigated through intense emotions and anxiety. She speaks of her exploration of yoga and traditional Indian chanting, tools she employed to understand and manage her emotional rollercoasters. Paula's life story is an inspiring testimony of resilience and determination, serving as a reminder that our emotional struggles can be catalysts for transformation. Shifting gears, the conversation moves towards the intriguing connection between emotions and celestial phenomena. Paula sheds light on the profound emotional impacts of events such as eclipses and discusses their influence on our lives, even if we're not astrologically aware. Her insights give listeners a fresh perspective on how the cosmic realm may intersect with our emotional world. In a compelling dialogue on entrepreneurship, Paula reveals her approach to guiding spirit-led entrepreneurs. She explains how she aids them in aligning their business strategies with their cosmic blueprints, leading to not just financial success, but also meaningful impact. This part of the discussion unravels how money, a traditionally tangible entity, can intertwine with spirituality in entrepreneurial ventures. Paula also delves into the emotional relationship people have with money, illuminating how it can limit their financial growth. She talks about helping spiritual practitioners overcome mindset blocks that obstruct their earnings.  The podcast also explores the significance of taking calculated risks.  Paula underlines her unique business model, centered on health, well-being, and philanthropy. As a tribute to her father's influence, she emphasizes the importance of charitable giving, marking it as a vital part of her business operations. Wrapping up this enlightening episode, Paula recounts her transformative travel experiences. Her deep connection with Estonia's unique culture and her newfound appreciation for her home environment in Maine offer fascinating insights into the profound impacts of travel and exploration on personal growth. Join Meghan and Paula on this Emotional Expedition, and embark on a journey to unlock your own emotional understanding and potential. Connect with Paula:  Instagram: Podcast: The Cosmic Business Podcast: Website: Connect with Meg: Instagram: Website: Atlas of the Heart Book Study: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit