EP# 223: Tech with a Soul Donna Laudisio's Story of Infusing Care into Business

Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

Apr 29 2024 • 9 mins

Have you ever seen the transformative power of technology and heart in action? Meet Donna Laudisio, our guest this week on the Good Neighbor Podcast, whose story begins with a rescued dog and unfolds into Nadda, a compassionate business venture in Port St. Lucie. With a mission to offer not just business consulting, technical support, and photography, Donna and Nadda provide a lifeline to the local community and animal shelters. Her journey exemplifies how personal experiences can fuel a drive to serve others and is a reminder that sometimes, the most impactful businesses are those built on empathy and a desire to make a difference.

During our chat, Donna opens up about the role of faith in her life, attributing the resilience and excellence of Nadda to a higher calling. It's not just about the services offered; it's about being a beacon in the community, from helping businesses flourish to capturing those heart-melting moments that encourage pet adoptions. So, tune in and be inspired by how Donna Laudisio of Nadda goes beyond the usual scope of business to touch lives and how, with a blend of technology and soul, she's redefining what it means to be a good neighbor in Port St. Lucie, Palm Beach, and Martin County.