EP# 208: A Gleaming Journey: Phillip Bullington's Mastery of Epoxy Flooring and His Resilient Comeback from Adversity

Good Neighbor Podcast: Port Saint Lucie

Mar 4 2024 • 5 mins

What makes Phillip Bullington with Pinnacle Epoxy Floors a good neighbor?

Have you ever marveled at the sleek, glossy finish of an epoxy floor and wondered about the story behind it? Phillip Bullington of Pinnacle Epoxy Floors joins us to share his journey from traditional tile work to mastering the art of epoxy—a transition sparked by demand for this versatile material. He paints a picture of the durability and aesthetic appeal of epoxy in applications ranging from garage floors to countertops. Phillip's passion for his craft shines through as he debunks myths about epoxy, discussing the technological advancements that have vastly improved its resilience and installation process. It's a tale of innovation, adaptation, and the pursuit of beauty in the places we tread every day.

But Phillip's story isn't just about the transformation of floors; it's a testament to his own resilience. He recounts a severe accident that led to a broken back, a challenge that might have ended his flooring career. Yet, Phillip's tenacity saw him rise above the prognosis and return to work with renewed vigor. This personal triumph adds depth to his expertise, as he not only renovates spaces but does so with the strength of someone who understands adversity and the value of perseverance. Listeners looking to revitalize their own spaces will find inspiration and information on how Pinnacle Epoxy Floors can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

To learn more about Pinnacle Epoxy Floors call:
(772) 475-9864