Ep.26 - ’Listen to understand, not to respond’ - The Creative Collective Mastermind


Feb 13 2023 • 35 mins

Welcome to Squaring the Circle….the podcast where I chat to creative business owners about how they balance the art and the business.

For episode 26 we’re continuing the collaboration with The Creative Collective . Some of you may or not know that myself and voice over artist Martin Whiskin run the creative collective which is a networking group for creative businesses. In 2023 and as an addition to the main group – we’ve launched a peer to peer mastermind group where once a month a few members get together support one another, generate ideas and to ensure accountability in our businesses.

So in this group we have Andrew from Yesseo, Flee Chavasss from Parka Boots Photography, business videographer Alex Durham , voice over artist - Simon Wells, Michael Coltham from Black Lab music and voice over artist Sean Anthony.

The conversation was so uplifting and motivating to the people in the room we wanted to release it as podcast in order for other people to hopefully get some value from the session.

Amongst many things we discuss – how we are going to thrive in 2023, what training we are embarking on and alternative ways to structure our working week.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Squaring The Circle – if you run a creative business and want to come to along to the creative collective online – you can book on for free here
