Identity Soup

Lauren Russ-Constant

Identity Soup is a podcast blending stories, neuroscience, psychology and spirituality to help you understand both the concept of identity and your own lived identity experience. Our episodes will increase awareness, validate experience, raise important questions and spark imagination - all with the intention of making it easier for you to show up a little bit more yourself and embrace some of those key ingredients that make up your identity soup. read less


Magic and Science: Understanding the Role of the Brain and Body
Oct 4 2021
Magic and Science: Understanding the Role of the Brain and Body
Do you think your thoughts impact your future? Do you think the things you think about impact how you show up in the world? This week we are getting into the brain and the body, and looking at the ways our thoughts and feelings can keep us stuck in the past we've known. We’re going to discuss the tools and exercises you can use to reprogram and recondition it and to support you in building the future that you choose.When was the last time you felt wonder? This episode is about blowing your own mind and allowing yourself to remain open to what is possible. We discuss:- How the brain impacts what from the outside comes inside.- The way our brain filters down 40,000, to 5,000 impulses by putting that information through a specific process.- How the Hakalau meditation allows you to expand your awareness, and impacts your physiology making you more relaxed.- The ways that your thoughts impact your future and how you show up in the world today.  - How we constantly exist in the past, and how to become more present. … and more.Today’s exercise: How to anchor in a positive emotion (at the 43:00 minute mark) and access to an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, aka. Tapping) video for those interested. Resources mentioned in the show: Joe Dispenza - Lacy Phillips - The Power of Now - Eckhart TolleThe Untethered Soul - Michael Singer Your Brain Hallucinates your Conscious Reality - TED Talk Stay connected with Lauren: Lauren:
Exploring Mixed Identity: In conversation with Jazmine Jarvis and Meagan Kimberly Smith, founders of Mixed in America
Sep 27 2021
Exploring Mixed Identity: In conversation with Jazmine Jarvis and Meagan Kimberly Smith, founders of Mixed in America
Trigger warning: this episode has references to racism, slavery and sexual assault.I never had access to a mixed community growing up and I went through much of my adolescent years feeling alone and isolated in my experience of the world. I also existed with a fragmented identity, largely comprising of other people’s expectations and judgements. I talk a lot about the power of having experiences validated and that has only been something I’ve been able to experience in the last few years. This episode centres on the power of owning and leaning into all of our mixedness.And so I’m talking to Jazmine Jarvis and Meagan Kimberly Smith of Mixed in America.  Mixed in America (MIA) empowers the Mixed community and heals the Mixed identity. MIA is run by two multiracial activists, looking to have a more nuanced conversation about race in America. We discuss:- What Self and Identity means to them.- Other people feeling entitled to tell mixed people how they should define their identity.- Being a chameleon, the power of fluidity and our experience living with the duality of it all. - Thing’s people should stop saying to mixed people (no matter how well meaning it is). - The guilt that comes with light skin privilege and feeling entitled to take up spacewith the mixed experience.… and more.Today’s exercise:  Work through the Mixed in America identity work book . Download it here: more about MIA: Follow Mixed in America on Instagram: Stay connected with Lauren: Lauren:
Multifaceted or Fragmented?: Understanding the Chameleon
Sep 13 2021
Multifaceted or Fragmented?: Understanding the Chameleon
Are you aware of how you may change in different situations? Do you realize when it’s helpful and when it's a hindrance? This week we are digging into those self concepts and identities a little more.We’ll be exploring some of the thinking around whether having numerous identities is a good, bad - or my stance - nuanced thing. I’ll be sharing two academic concepts to explore the different perspectives around being fluid and flexible in the ways we show up.I discuss:- How we are the result of things that served and protected us at the time. - The idea that self concept -is organized into multiple components and identities.- SCD - Self Concept Differentiation - the degree to which the identities are the same or differ across personally important roles.- How we are influenced by our environment and experiences which is a result of our minds doing what it felt was required at the time.- Self-Complexity as a cognitive buffer against stress-related illness and depression, by Patricia Linville.… and more!Today’s exercise: Create a grid of boxes and think about the core elements and identities that go into who you are - do you want to add or remove some?Books mentioned in this episode: Breaking the Ocean: A Memoir of Race, Rebellion and Reconciliation by Annahid Dashtgard and Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. Stay connected with Lauren: Lauren: