Episode 31: The Importance of Acquiring Product Liability Insurance for Your Arizona Business

Navigating the Business Insurance Landscape with PJO Insurance Brokerage

Jun 16 2023 • 6 mins

In this internet day and age, it has never been easier to manufacture a new product and bring it to market with the potential of reaching millions of users in the simple click of a mouse. There have been more new products brought to market in the past five years than there have been in the previous twenty years. When we look in the complex business world in which we live in today, the simple procedure of producing and/or selling a product has become cause for concern, and, possibly, a product liability exposure. This is why it's prudent business sense to have a Product Liability Insurance Policy in place as well as your Phoenix General Liability coverage before you actually distribute or sell your product directly or through a retailer or wholesaler. If you would like us to put a detailed insurance plan in place for your Arizona business, contact PJO Insurance Brokerage to allow our agency to work for your business, ensuring that your insurance needs are met with the appropriate coverage.