Engaging men and boys in gender equality – Part 1


Nov 8 2023 • 21 mins

Boys around the world are often raised to believe in gender norms and stereotypes that can be harmful, including expectations about how men and women are supposed to act with each other, how they should express (or not express) emotions, and how to resolve problems. Sometimes, this can lead to negative beliefs about women and girls and even violence towards them.

In this episode, Youth Champion, Lauren, discusses the importance of engaging men and boys to move gender equality forward with two inspiring leaders in this space, Karen and Rodrigo, who helped develop and facilitate the Mindful Fathering program at Yorktown Family Services in Toronto. They share how they’re supporting fathers to develop healthier views of masculinity and family dynamics, ultimately preventing violence in the home. This work mirrors activities in the SHE SOARS* project to engage young men and boys to break down stigmas and make their communities safer for all.

Join this important discussion leading into the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence!

*SHE SOARS, funded by Global Affairs Canada, is the Sexual and reproductive Health and Economic empowerment Supporting Out-of-school Adolescent girls’ Rights and Skills project. Learn more at: https://care.ca/shesoarsproject

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the SHE SOARS podcast are the speakers’ own and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, standards and policies of CARE Canada. The SHE SOARS podcast is a youth-led initiative that provides space for young people to discuss global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights with the purpose of raising awareness in Canada. Listeners acknowledge that the material and information presented in the podcast are for informational purposes only and do not constitute advice or services. The podcast is for private, non-commercial use and speakers do not necessarily reflect any organization they work for.