138. NEW SERIES Coming This Fall | Leadership Mentoring 101

Men Are Forged

Sep 6 2023 • 3 mins

A growing concern among emerging leaders and young entrepreneurs is finding a mentor in their organization or for their business…

  • 90% of employees who have a career mentor are happy at work
  • 86% of CEOs agree that mentors were a crucial part of their career accomplishments
  • 76% Of Professionals think mentors are important, but only 37% have one

Over the next 5 weeks, I will unpack my Strategy to Leadership Mentoring.

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MEN ARE FORGED is encouraging men to lead confidently and courageously. Through reflection, humility, and boldness, men will build confidence and add value to others.

If you are an emerging leader in your organization who needs leadership mentoring and gain confidence in your role...Go to menareforged.com or message me at:
