132. How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Take Action | Byron Morrison

Men Are Forged

Jun 27 2023 • 30 mins

Byron Morrison is the author of 3 best-selling books and over the last decade he has
worked with CEOs, entrepreneurs and leaders in 15 different countries to help them
take back control of their life and business.

Life hasn't always been this way though, for most of his life he was his own worst
enemy, sabotaging everything from his health to his relationships and his personal
success. After his dad's cancer he went on a journey of transformation, where after
losing 50 pounds and turning his life around, he set out on a mission to help others
take control of their life.

For the last decade he’s been working with people from around the world to help
them get out of their own way so that they can start living the life that they want.
Everything he’s done has built up to his new book “Maybe you should give up - 7 ways
to get out of your own way and take control of your life” which hits stores in June.

Buy His Book

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MEN ARE FORGED is encouraging men to lead confidently and courageously. Through reflection, humility, and boldness, men will build confidence and add value to others.

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