134. How to Gain Strength from Hardship | Marcus Farris

Men Are Forged

Jul 18 2023 • 39 mins

Marcus is an author, health coach, engineer, and Mission 22's Post Traumatic Growth Director. He spent four years on Active Duty following his graduation from Army ROTC at Auburn University in 2012. Alongside his role at Mission 22, he is studying to become a clinical mental health counselor while managing the demands of his role as a company commander in an Army Reserve PSYOP unit. He’s passionate about all manner of endurance sports competitions and prior to joining Mission 22, has spent much of his spare time working with the US Military Endurance Sports team, a non-profit dedicated to helping service members achieve their fitness endeavors.

Marcus currently trains for HYROX fitness racing competitions, aiming his sights at peak physical performance against the best in the world at the sport. Through his research, field testing, and writing, he now serves Veterans through healthy living programs and digital content creation.

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