#010: Musically Inclined | Nate Ryan

Photo Forward

Jul 24 2019 • 1 hr

Okay, show of hands. Who here, when you were starting your photography career or just getting into taking pictures said, “I want to be a music photographer!” or “I just want to go shoot photos at concerts!”. I think I can safely say that, at least, the idea has crossed the minds of most visual storytellers at some point. There’s something entrancing about the being a concert or music photographer — maybe it’s the spectacle of the lights and showmanship, maybe for the more video-centric amongst us the purposeful, natural blend of audio and visuals, or maybe it’s something about being part of the concert “experience”. But shooting concerts for free doesn’t put food on your table. Photo credits don’t keep the lights on. Like being any type of photographer, to truly “make it” as a music photographer you have to niche down, achieve a unique style, and find your creative vision that makes you different – not just better – and create work with value.

Today’s guest is a perfect example of focusing down in your work and honing your craft, but never losing sight of the real-world practicalities of making photography work that makes you a living.

Nate Ryan is a Minnesota-based photographer and filmmaker, capturing editorial and commercial imagery with a journalistic approach, telling visual stories with integrity. An avid cyclist and active outdoorsman, Nate loves to capture the stories and environments of the natural world. As the staff photographer at 89.3 The Current since 2010, he’s captured photos and video of the countless studio performances with bands that visit the station, as well as many live performances at venues in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

In today’s episode, I get an inside perspective on what it means to be more than just a concert photographer, how Nate pushes himself on every assignment as a photography team of one, and how he creates work for himself that fires him up to get PAID by national clients to shoot that kind of work for them. You can find show notes with photos and links online at photoforward.media/podcast/Nate So, without further ado, my behind the curtains conversation with 89.3 The Current Photographer, Nate Ryan.

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