#019: Mindful Photography to Change Your Career | Courtney Perry

Photo Forward

Apr 23 2020 • 54 mins

To be honest, I didn’t plan on releasing this episode until later on in the summer, but with everything going on with the COVID-19 pandemic, this seems like honestly the MUCH MORE relevant and timely episode to be releasing to you all, the listeners of Photo Forward.

These days, being stuck in isolation, a lot of us are being forced to grapple with the question “If I’m not taking photographs, am I still a photographer?” (or insert your applicable verb and profession here). We’re all trying to figure out WHO we are rather than WHAT we are or WHAT we do. That’s a painful process for a lot of us creatives, myself included. And it’s the self-same journey today’s guest has been on for years in, around, and through the photography world —  and has some mindful wisdom to share from her experience along the way.

Courtney Perry is a photojournalist based in Minneapolis, MN.  Formerly a staff photographer at the Dallas Morning News, she now freelances for various local and national clients while based in the Twin Cities.  Her home is filled with a spouse, his children, their dogs, and much love.

On today’s episode, Courtney and I explore how to enjoy photography without basing your happiness on your work, how she’s been able to build a stable and healthy client-base as a freelancer, and why having a “dark night of the soul” moment in your creative career can be a game-changing event to sharpen your focus as a photographer or multimedia creator. Without any further ado, today’s beautiful and timely interview with photojournalist Courtney Perry.

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