Car Trubs, a 7yr old nails a question and F1 moaning


Apr 28 2023 • 1 hr 7 mins

Late in publishing this little beauty. Apologies for the sound imbalance, new kit is on the way! yet what an episode we have for you this week.

The Round Up
Our round up since the last episode covers, kiddy toys and their relationship to cars, Julian's latest love, why the KTM is so accomplished, the Forrest Row car meet and JB's leather fetish, amongst other things

Car Trubs
The latest feature to hit the chat, where we discuss those everyday motoring troubles (yeah 'trubs'), get discussed and put into perspective. This time we touch on TPS and Oil warnings....... hhhhmmm sounds far too helpful

The best two question from a 7 year old, ever
what's your favourite hypercar?
what would you buy with 100k?
come on, this is some chat, just think about it, the options..... what would you choose?

Other news
what channel JB goes to to see knobs being touched
Julian gets frustrated with F1
JB tell Julian to get over himself (so nothing new)

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