Ep 48 | Edna Kimble

The Peak Results Academy Podcast

Sep 3 2020 • 34 mins

In this episode, Rich chats with Edna Kimble, the #1 Century 21 Agent in Oklahoma, selling a home every 2.1 days. Edna discusses how a devastating financial loss was a catalyst for her success and what allows her to maintain that drive when that impetus is gone. She shares her very specific morning routine that sets her up for a productive day, as well as practical advice on getting into real estate with no spend. Make sure you stick around for Edna’s must-read book pick and her parting advice on truly connecting with your clients.


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Show Notes

[03:20] About Edna

[04:15] Using a devastating financial loss as a catalyst for growth

[06:10] How using open houses to grow her brand changed from then to now

[10:42] The value in making a commitment to ramp up the drive for success

[12:46] Lead generation for a top producer

[15:16] Why low cost to entry has some agents treating real estate like a hobby

[16:52] Using systems to scale and why coaching is so imperative to growth

[22:32] Why Edna believes you don’t need money to grow in real estate

[23:42] Edna’s morning routine for success, starting at 4:28am

[30:00] A must-read on Edna’s book list

[31:08] One last piece of advice for connecting with clients

Contact Edna

Email: ednakimble@gmail.com

Phone: 918-931-8413

Website: www.ednakimble.com

About Edna

Edna Kimble is the #1 real estate agent for Century 21 in Oklahoma, selling a home every 2.1 days. During Edna’s 15+ year career, Edna has accumulated 30 million+ in closed transactions and become the local real estate expert, being voted Tahlequah’s Best Realtor® for 2018 & 2019.