Mastering the dance of kids' bedtimes with sleep whisperer Isabella

Dad Bodcast

Nov 29 2021 • 47 mins

Ever struggled with the midnight waltz of pacing the floor, baby in arms, desperately trying to figure out the secret to a good night's sleep for your little one? You're not alone. This episode, sleep whisperer Isabella from Snugco joins me, to unravel the tangled web of children's sleep patterns. We dive into the challenges that come with each developmental milestone and offer strategies to help your tots and newborns drift off into slumberland. From building confidence in toddlers to fall asleep on their own to handling nighttime feeding dilemmas, we're serving up a hearty dish of advice, peppered with personal experiences and spiced with neuroscience.

As the sun sets on another day of parenting, are you dreading the impending battle of bedtime with your little one? Take heart, fellow dads, as Isabella and I explore the art of adjusting bedtime routines, ensuring they're enjoyable for both you and your child. We discuss the finesse involved in transitioning from raucous play to restful sleep, and how to deal with those crafty toddler tactics to avoid bed. Plus, we get real about the role of dads in night weaning and share insights on creating new sleep associations that can tighten the father-child bond. There's plenty of practical wisdom here, ready for you to tuck into your parenting toolkit.

Newborn care may be a marathon, but it's one you can prep for. Pull up a chair as we discuss the essential skills and routines that will save your sanity during those early, sleep-deprived days. We cover swaddling, understanding awake windows, and the importance of flexibility in your approach. Our conversation also shines a light on the power of parenting teamwork, particularly in supporting breastfeeding moms and helping toddlers transition to a big-kid bed. Whether you're facing nightmares or naptime negotiations, this episode is packed with insights to help you and your child get the rest you both need and deserve.