Dad Bodcast

Kyle Graham

The Dad Bodcast, hosted by me, Kyle Graham, is your go-to podcast for all things “dad.” Each episode will be jam-packed with dad-hacks from all stages of dad-life, through engaging, entertaining (and often) humorous conversation. I didn’t create this poddy because I think I’m the best at it, but more so because I feel like I’ve stumbled through it and continue to stumble through it each day. Through sharing some of my own experiences as well as the experiences of others, this is a place for you to get all of your 'daddy issues' answered….. well, I’m not promising anything but this may go close to being it! read less
Kids & FamilyKids & Family


Fertility Struggles and Raising a Donor-Conceived Child
Apr 17 2024
Fertility Struggles and Raising a Donor-Conceived Child
When Joe and his wife embarked on their dream to become parents, they never imagined the hurdles they would face. Today, Joe shares his intimate tale of overcoming male infertility, including a raw look at his genetic condition and the emotional landscape he navigated. Together, we follow their path from the shock of diagnosis to the joyous laughter of their eight-and-a-half-month-old daughter, Ellie. It's an honest reflection on the hardships of starting a family and the resilience required to keep moving forward.Navigating the often-overlooked issue of male infertility, our conversation uncovers the complex process Joe and his wife underwent when considering sperm donation. Joe candidly discusses the inner turmoil of choosing between known and anonymous donors, and the impact of these decisions on their future child's life. We also delve into the rare specialty clinics that cater to male infertility and the logistical intricacies involved once a donor is on board. Joe's story is a testament to the perseverance of the human spirit, providing solace and understanding to those facing similar battles.As we wrap up our heart-to-heart with Joe, we're reminded that the journey doesn't end at conception. Raising a donor-conceived child comes with its unique set of experiences, and Joe opens up about fostering an environment of openness and honesty. Highlighting resources like the book "Three Makes Baby," we underscore the significance of including a donor in a child's life narrative. It's a celebration of the shift towards sharing these once-private stories, the embrace of a supportive community, and the camaraderie among parents in the dad bod community. Joe's experience offers a beacon of hope and empowerment for those charting their own courses through the joys and challenges of modern parenting.
School Lunchbox - Cracking the code with George Georgievski.
Apr 10 2024
School Lunchbox - Cracking the code with George Georgievski.
Picture the chaos of parenting: early mornings, runny noses, and the mystical quest for the 'Husband Handbook'. George from School Lunchbox joins me to swap tales from the trenches of fatherhood, where we share a laugh over the universal dad experience of sticker-shock and the unexpected delights of Easter egg hunts. With a candid look at the transition from professional life to the hands-on day-to-day of parenting two girls, this episode is a reminder that in the midst of family mayhem, there's a community of fathers embracing the ride.Feeding kids can feel like navigating a labyrinth of nutritional do's and don'ts, but we've cooked up a strategy as simple as it is colorful. I lay out my 'number five' rule—two fruits and three veggies—while George and I swap tips on making meal prep a playful affair. From sandwich shapes that spark joy to a palette of flavors that would impress a seasoned traveler, we serve up advice on keeping both the lunchbox and your little ones lively and diversified.Morning routines can signal the start of a dreaded daily grind, but what if they became a ritual for bonding and well-being? I share how my early rise and weekend prep transform mornings from frenzied to fruitful, setting the tone for a day where even self-care finds space on the to-do list. We wrap up by blending work, family life, and the careful curation of social media, offering up a taste of how to keep it all in balance—hint: sometimes your best tool is the smartphone in your pocket. Join us as we celebrate the wins, weather the challenges, and most importantly, stay grounded in what matters most in this parenting journey.
Harley Clifford - From World Champ to Rad Dad
Apr 4 2024
Harley Clifford - From World Champ to Rad Dad
Hey fellow dads and sports enthusiasts, Kyle Graham here—your chief navigator through the wild journey of fatherhood, with a side of high-flying sports action. Today's DadBodcast episode is one for the books as we sit down with the legendary wakeboarder Harley Clifford. Imagine having your life flipped upside down by the pitter-patter of little feet; that's exactly what happened to Harley as he shares his shift from wakeboarding fame to the adventures of daddy duty. Expect tales of Easter egg hunts with a twist and how his own childhood escapades in Medowie paved the way for a family steeped in the love of sports.Get ready to ride the wave of emotions as we tackle the ups and downs of a champion's life. We cover Harley's breathtaking journey from clinching his first world title at the tender age of 14 to grappling with the physical and emotional tolls of injuries. Harley gets real about the pressures of international competition, the sweet taste of victory, and the behind-the-scenes effort it takes to maintain a top spot in the wakeboarding world. But it's not all smooth sailing; we also delve into how marriage and the arrival of his daughter Elodie amidst a global pandemic brought new challenges and profound changes to Harley's life trajectory.As we wrap up the session, we get an honest look into the Clifford household's laughter-filled chaos. From the comedic trials of bedtime routines to the surprising contemplation of adding another munchkin to the mix, Harley's life is a lesson in adaptation and growth. He doesn't shy away from discussing the anxieties that come with hanging up the competitive wakeboard for a more grounded family life, and the steps he's taking to navigate the tides of change. So, buckle up and join us for this heart-to-heart that's as thrilling as it is relatable, because whether you're shredding waves or changing diapers, we're all in this ride together.
The Dad Bodcast Returns: What the hell have I been up to?
Mar 27 2024
The Dad Bodcast Returns: What the hell have I been up to?
Life has a way of serving up surprises when you least expect them, and often, it's the hurdles that teach us the most. Nick Pearce joins me, Kyle Graham, as we reboot the Dad Bodcast, delving into the very heart of what it means to be a father amid life's unpredictable twists and turns. We're back to share our stories, the laughter, the tears, and the wisdom that comes from the trenches of parenting. It's about the real stuff—balancing work, family, and the elusive 'me' time, all while nurturing the bonds that make this journey worthwhile.This episode touch on deeply personal tales, from the emotional rollercoaster of an unexpected pregnancy and the complexities of loss, to the intricate dynamics of welcoming new life into our family. Hear how we navigated the tension of familial changes, mastered the logistics of daily life with three young kids, and found joy in each unique experience they brought us. Even in the toughest circumstances, we illuminate the power of resilience and the indescribable strength found in the love for our children.This isn't just a podcast; it's a community. We're laying bare the silent struggles that come with being a dad, and how carving out time for self-care isn't just a luxury—it's essential. Join us as we tackle listener questions on maintaining relationship sanity against the backdrop of fatherhood and business. We're here to share the strategies that help our families not just survive, but thrive. It's about building a life filled with memories, setting boundaries that serve us, and embracing the chaos with a smile. So, get comfortable, and let's share this path of learning and growth together. Welcome to Season 2 of the Dad Bodcast.
Mastering the dance of kids' bedtimes with sleep whisperer Isabella
Nov 29 2021
Mastering the dance of kids' bedtimes with sleep whisperer Isabella
Ever struggled with the midnight waltz of pacing the floor, baby in arms, desperately trying to figure out the secret to a good night's sleep for your little one? You're not alone. This episode, sleep whisperer Isabella from Snugco joins me, to unravel the tangled web of children's sleep patterns. We dive into the challenges that come with each developmental milestone and offer strategies to help your tots and newborns drift off into slumberland. From building confidence in toddlers to fall asleep on their own to handling nighttime feeding dilemmas, we're serving up a hearty dish of advice, peppered with personal experiences and spiced with neuroscience.As the sun sets on another day of parenting, are you dreading the impending battle of bedtime with your little one? Take heart, fellow dads, as Isabella and I explore the art of adjusting bedtime routines, ensuring they're enjoyable for both you and your child. We discuss the finesse involved in transitioning from raucous play to restful sleep, and how to deal with those crafty toddler tactics to avoid bed. Plus, we get real about the role of dads in night weaning and share insights on creating new sleep associations that can tighten the father-child bond. There's plenty of practical wisdom here, ready for you to tuck into your parenting toolkit.Newborn care may be a marathon, but it's one you can prep for. Pull up a chair as we discuss the essential skills and routines that will save your sanity during those early, sleep-deprived days. We cover swaddling, understanding awake windows, and the importance of flexibility in your approach. Our conversation also shines a light on the power of parenting teamwork, particularly in supporting breastfeeding moms and helping toddlers transition to a big-kid bed. Whether you're facing nightmares or naptime negotiations, this episode is packed with insights to help you and your child get the rest you both need and deserve.
Blake Green: A NRL Legend's Take on Parenting and Professional Sports
Nov 22 2021
Blake Green: A NRL Legend's Take on Parenting and Professional Sports
As I sat across from Blake Green, my old schoolmate turned NRL legend, our conversation quickly broke the mold of typical locker room banter, diving into the tender complexities of fatherhood within the spotlight's glare. Blake offers candid tales from the trenches of parenting, where vulnerability is a strength and laughter is just as crucial as discipline. We share a laugh over the chaos of bedtime negotiations but don't shy away from the heavy hitters – like Boston’s resilience through bullying and Sadie's infectious confidence.Imagine balancing the high-octane demands of a professional sports career with the intricacies of raising spirited children. Blake and I unpack this dynamic, reminiscing about the moves from Melbourne to Manly and beyond, all while nurturing our little ones' growth amidst the backdrop of footy fields and roaring crowds. The clubs' evolution towards family inclusivity, especially during the unprecedented challenges of the pandemic, is a testament to the changing face of professional sports – a world where the whistle's echo reaches the family home.Wrapping up our heart-to-heart, we reflect on the indelible lessons handed down from one generation to the next. From the significance of one-on-one hot chocolate dates to instilling a sense of respect in our children, we navigate the unique bond between father and child. This episode isn't just about the glitz of fame or the grind on the field; it's a celebration of the endearing, often underestimated, role of dads in shaping the future, one heartfelt story at a time.
Tips for the delivery room with Ash and Sophie
Nov 15 2021
Tips for the delivery room with Ash and Sophie
Hey, Daddy-os! Stoked to bring you a fresh perspective on fatherhood with insights from Sophie and Ashley, the dynamic duo from With Woman the Podcast. As we chat up a storm, we uncover the emotional rollercoaster dads ride, from those heart-stopping moments in the delivery room to the silent battles of IVF. This episode is a treasure trove of stories and strategies that will bolster your parenting game, whether you're a newbie on diaper duty or a seasoned pro at the bedtime routine.Get ready to have your view on the labor room flipped on its head as we share epic tales of dads who've gone from sideline supporters to front-line heroes. We're talking about dudes who've weathered the storm of childbirth, offering a shoulder to lean on and eyes brimming with tears at the first glimpse of their little one. But it's not all about the delivery room drama; we also peel back the layers on the often invisible struggles of IVF, providing a raw look at the journey that many couples endure in their quest to become parents.Wrapping up, we dive into the nuts and bolts of being an effective partner in childbirth—no small feat, let me tell you. From learning the right moves in birthing classes to staying cool when the going gets tough, we lay out the roadmap for dads to truly step up. So, if you're looking to do more than just hold your partner's purse, this episode is your golden ticket to becoming the advocate and ally your family needs during one of life's most miraculous, yet intense experiences.
Knocking out parenthood with Andrew and Jason Moloney.
Nov 8 2021
Knocking out parenthood with Andrew and Jason Moloney.
As a host who's felt the seismic shift of becoming a parent while pursuing a demanding career, I'm both excited and moved to welcome the Moloney brothers, Jason and Andrew, to share their heartfelt journeys through fatherhood. Embarking on this adventure with them, we peel back the layers of their lives as professional boxers, revealing the raw emotions of conception, the thrills of childbirth, and the finesse required to balance the boxing ring with baby rattles. Their stories are not just about powerful punches but also about powerful life moments, offering listeners a glimpse into the profound ways parenthood has reshaped their perspectives, motivations, and very beings.With laughter, vulnerability, and sincerity, we unpack the complexities of managing family life alongside the rigors of a boxing career. The Moloney brothers don't pull any punches when discussing the challenges, from Andrew's struggles with his wife's difficult pregnancy to Jason's experiences of being oceans away during pivotal family moments. This candid conversation highlights the strength found in partners and loved ones, the importance of self-care, and the wisdom in making smart decisions for the future—all while wearing the gloves of both parent and professional athlete.Finally, we tackle the universal themes of balancing the chaos of parenting with the pursuit of one's passions. From navigating the unpredictable waters of childbirth to the quiet reflections on maintaining friendships and sparking joy within the family unit, this episode is a testament to the shared experiences of parents everywhere. Whether it's scooting alongside our little ones or trading stories of sleepless nights, we celebrate the extraordinary journey of raising children while chasing dreams, all within the captivating arena of professional boxing. So, grab your headphones and join us for an intimate roundtable on the beautiful, chaotic dance of parenting and boxing.
Navigating Young Fatherhood: Marcus Catanzaro's Journey Through Co-Parenting and Connection
Nov 1 2021
Navigating Young Fatherhood: Marcus Catanzaro's Journey Through Co-Parenting and Connection
As a teenager, stepping into parenthood is like hitting a surprise crossroad that reshapes every path ahead. Imagine navigating that, coupled with the dreams of a music career. Marcus Catanzaro joins us on the Dad Bodcast, giving us an unvarnished look at his life as a young father to his son Aiden, and the rhythm he found between his dual passions for music and fatherhood. His story unravels the complexities of co-parenting, the undercurrents of emotion when career calls for sacrifice, and the fortifying bonds of family that supported him through the turbulence of youth. Buckle up for a candid tour through the trials of raising a child when society still sees you as one yourself. Marcus doesn't hold back in sharing the intricacies of his relationships and the growth that springs from open, heartfelt communication, even when tackling the tough topics with our children. Our exchange dances across the fine line of being a 'cool' parent while also opening up about the repercussions when your job takes you on the road, leaving spaces in the family fabric that can be hard to stitch back together.Technology, that double-edged sword of our age, plays front and center as we converse about bridging the gap over long distances and connecting with a generation that checks your facts quicker than you can say 'Google'. Marcus's journey through fatherhood - from the streets of Sydney to the buzzing cityscape of Los Angeles - offers a potent mix of vulnerability, wisdom, and the relentless pursuit of understanding his son's world. His narrative, ripe with the challenges of co-parenting and adapting to a teenager's ever-evolving needs, encompasses the lessons, laughter, and love that cement the lifelong role of 'Dad'.
The Dad Chronicles: Heartaches, Joy, and the Dance of Parenthood with Nick Pearce
Oct 27 2021
The Dad Chronicles: Heartaches, Joy, and the Dance of Parenthood with Nick Pearce
When life handed us the mantle of fatherhood, it wasn't accompanied by an instruction manual. This heart-to-heart with Nick Pearce peels back the layers of what it means to be a dad in today's world, sharing the raw joy and piercing challenges that come with the territory. From the heartache of miscarriage to the euphoria of holding our children for the first time, Nick and I traverse the emotional landscape, bringing our personal stories of balancing the weight of professional dreams and the sheer enormity of parenting.As we swap tales from the trenches, we uncover the often-unspoken aspects of supporting our partners through the trials of pregnancy and childbirth. We lay bare the transformative journey of not just witnessing but actively participating in the birth of our children, underscoring the pivotal role of education, advocacy, and an unwavering team spirit. The narrative shifts as we recount the early days of fatherhood, filled with humor, panic, and a newfound depth of love that forever alters our being.Culminating in a candid conversation about keeping the flames of partnership alive post-children, Nick and I delve into the dance of communication, self-care, and the relentless pursuit of happiness amidst the chaos of parenting. We celebrate the rites of play, the bonding over shared meals, and the universal language of cooking that brings families together. Join us for an episode that promises not just to speak to fathers everywhere but to anyone who has navigated the intricate waltz of nurturing relationships while crafting a family legacy.
Navigating the highs and lows of being a parent: A candid conversation with Matt Lynch
Oct 26 2021
Navigating the highs and lows of being a parent: A candid conversation with Matt Lynch
Embarking on the journey of fatherhood can be as daunting as it is rewarding, and no one knows this dance of delight and difficulty better than my good friend Matt Lynch. Alongside Lynchie, whose heart is as big as his experience as a high school teacher and father of three, we unravel the complexities and emotional depths of what it means to be a dad today. From the earnest trials of parenting a special needs child to the gut-wrenching paths of pregnancy loss, our candid exchange paints a visceral picture of the highs and lows that shape a father's world.Fatherhood is a transformative ride that reshapes relationships and personal growth, and together with Lynchie, we open the pages of our own stories, from the nuanced struggles of health concerns with my child Aimen to the essential power of parental intuition. Our dialogue ventures into the heart of what it takes to advocate for our children and partners, offering a beacon of understanding for any father feeling the weight of such immense love and responsibility. We laugh, we reflect, and we embrace the shared wisdom that comes from the trenches of raising toddlers to twins, ensuring that this episode becomes a treasured resource for dads everywhere.As we wrap up our soulful session, we touch on the importance of maintaining one's individuality amidst the chaos of parenting. The essence of fatherhood, as we've come to realize, is about balancing the joyous mayhem of family life with the personal passions that keep us whole. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a guidepost for any father navigating the waters of partnership, parenthood, and personal discovery. Join us for a journey that promises to leave you more equipped, more empathetic, and more enthusiastic about the role you play in the lives of your little ones.
Strumming Life's Chords: Oscar McMahon on Fatherhood, Brewing, and Balancing Acts
Oct 25 2021
Strumming Life's Chords: Oscar McMahon on Fatherhood, Brewing, and Balancing Acts
Have you ever wondered how the chords of life strum a new tune when fatherhood enters the stage? Oscar McMahon of Young Henry's Brewery joins me to unpack his transformation from punk rock drummer to a dad with a knack for crafting community through hops and heartbeats. We get personal as Oscar shares the harmonies and dissonances of navigating the nexus of passion, parenting, and entrepreneurship, and how each role enriches the other, brewing a life filled with unexpected melodies.It's a conversation few dare to start: the silent symphony of male emotional struggles during pregnancy and beyond. As we pull back the curtain on this topic, Oscar and I address the mental health challenges that men often face in silence—from the trials of IVF to the deep sorrow of miscarriage. We cast a spotlight on the importance of open dialogue and support for new dads grappling with seismic shifts in their world, aiming to turn whispers of postnatal depression into a chorus calling for change.Then we wade through the waters of work-life balance, a concept as elusive as it is essential for new fathers like Oscar and me. We share laughs and learnings about the juggle of joys and juggernauts that come with parenthood, keeping hobbies afloat, and sustaining the flame of individuality amidst diaper changes and deadlines. As we close, Oscar reflects on the agility of Young Henry's in responding to global curveballs, like pivoting to hand sanitizer production, and how tapping into the heart of the community can ferment a future that's not only profitable but also profoundly sustainable.