School Lunchbox - Cracking the code with George Georgievski.

Dad Bodcast

Apr 10 2024 • 40 mins

Picture the chaos of parenting: early mornings, runny noses, and the mystical quest for the 'Husband Handbook'. George from School Lunchbox joins me to swap tales from the trenches of fatherhood, where we share a laugh over the universal dad experience of sticker-shock and the unexpected delights of Easter egg hunts. With a candid look at the transition from professional life to the hands-on day-to-day of parenting two girls, this episode is a reminder that in the midst of family mayhem, there's a community of fathers embracing the ride.

Feeding kids can feel like navigating a labyrinth of nutritional do's and don'ts, but we've cooked up a strategy as simple as it is colorful. I lay out my 'number five' rule—two fruits and three veggies—while George and I swap tips on making meal prep a playful affair. From sandwich shapes that spark joy to a palette of flavors that would impress a seasoned traveler, we serve up advice on keeping both the lunchbox and your little ones lively and diversified.

Morning routines can signal the start of a dreaded daily grind, but what if they became a ritual for bonding and well-being? I share how my early rise and weekend prep transform mornings from frenzied to fruitful, setting the tone for a day where even self-care finds space on the to-do list. We wrap up by blending work, family life, and the careful curation of social media, offering up a taste of how to keep it all in balance—hint: sometimes your best tool is the smartphone in your pocket. Join us as we celebrate the wins, weather the challenges, and most importantly, stay grounded in what matters most in this parenting journey.