EPISODE 18: From Scratch to Sip - Crafting Your Own Alcohol or Private Label Beverage with Victor Olshansky

Entrepreneur Minds Speak

Oct 10 2023 • 1 hr

Are you thinking about crafting your own alcohol or private label beverage? In today's episode, Victor Olshansky from Ziami Distillery shares his in-depth knowledge of the alcohol industry and the steps you'll need to take to get your brand off the ground. How will you appeal to your target audience? How will your packaging inspire curiosity that gets people to pick up your product? Crème de Mint is here to help you develop your brand. Schedule your free consultation! https://hello.dubsado.com/public/appo... You can find Ziami online: https://www.ziamidistillery.com/

Need branding and label design for your new line? Reach out to Lauren at www.cremedemint.com