Separating race from colonialism

Decolonising Trauma

Sep 7 2023 • 15 mins

Ooooft.... I don't know what I did in a past life to sign up and navigate these topics, yet I am here for it!!!

I get totally uncomfortable in this episode as I explore in real time my own thoughts on race and it's relationship with colonialism.

I share some of the immediate themes I came across in my early days of researching trauma theories and the origins of what it meant to be traumatised, then known as being 'shell-shocked'

I dive into the gradual return of trauma into the social construct that went beyond active duty PTSD.

I truly believe when we know different, we can get creative in how we show up in the world. My hope is that in listening to this episode, you get rebelliously curious and lean in to learn more of the non-dominant narrative

Sawubona (I See You)

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