The Technical Seller

Pierre L Hulsebus

Greetings, earthlings! Are you ready for a mind-bending journey into the world of technology sales? Join Pierre and his band of sales gurus as they explore the ins and outs of selling software, demoing technology, and honing your sales skills to perfection. From cutting-edge sales methodology to gear reviews that will leave your head spinning, The Technical Seller podcast has it all. We’ll explore the highs and lows of the sales game, from the thrill of the hunt to the satisfaction of reeling in a big fish. And that’s not all, my friends. Pierre will be sharing his Stack-O-Stuff with a growth mindset, generating fresh business ideas that will blow your mind. So tune in, buckle up, and get ready for a wild ride through the world of sales. The future is now, and it’s time to disrupt the game! Technical Sales, Sales Job Skills, Customer Service Job Skills, Customer Service is key, Tips for Sales Success, Technical Selling read less
