EP #3: The Afro-Asian Re(Vodu)tionary - Sena Voncujovi - on Voodoo in Africa, connecting Africa and Asia, and his entrepreneurial journey

Learn With Avthar

Nov 11 2020 • 1 hr 11 mins

Sena is the perhaps the most interesting person I've ever met and I'm sure you'll agree after listening to this podcast.

Sena Voncujovi was born in Japan and raised in Ghana. He comes from a family of African traditional healers and is a Bokor, one who has been initiated into the highest spiritual rank of Ifa. As a Davis United World College Scholar, he graduated from Middlebury College in the USA, with a bachelors degree in international politics, economics, and African Studies. He founded ReVodution: Voodoo Education to educate the world about African spiritual traditions and co-founded Jaspora to build a community for the African diaspora in Japan. He's currently a Yenching Scholar at Yenching Academy of Peking University.

I first met Sena in 2012 in Costa Rica. Since then we've shared countless hours of insightful conversation. This podcast is one of the most interesting talks we've ever had. I learned so much about African spirituality, how Sena connects Africa and Asia through his work, as well as the lessons Sena learned as a founder of not one, but two organizations!

In the podcast, we cover:

  • Sena's experience as an African spiritual practitioner and his take on why Voodoo is misunderstood by Africans and the West.
  • What does it mean to be a "Bokor"?
  • How Sena leverages digital media to show the world the truth behind African traditional spirituality
  • The story of Sena's multi-cultural upbringing and why his father, Christopher Voncujovi, is the most successful person he knows.
  • How Sena's work and life connects Africa and Asia
  • The book that influenced Sena's life the most
  • The mindset that helped Sena become a clear, independent thinker
  • What it was like to attend a Black Lives Matter protest in Japan
  • The belief Sena changed in order to achieve his entrepreneurial goals
  • Sena's experience at United World College Costa Rica and African Leadership Academy
  • How Sena found his natural strengths

Connect with Sena Voncujovi


Twitter @SVoncujovi


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