Episode 23- Dr.Natalie Dereka

The CEO Momcast

May 25 2023 • 20 mins

I started my business after feeling like my hands were tied working in settings where I couldn't teach postpartum moms how to prevent or reverse problems naturally and as a whole person. And there was a trend of women feeling alone, embarrassed and ashamed from pelvic floor issues that started after giving birth like leaking pee, feeling weak or experiencing discomfort in their pelvic floor after giving birth. No one was talking how these were common but not normal. Too many women felt alone for me not to try to find ways to spread the word.

I also noticed this other trend taking place once we started working together. A shift happened in these women's confidence levels and I was blown away by how empowering they became in their life just by taking control of their pelvic floor. They would tell me stories about how their relationship with their partner deepened, how they were more present at work and with their kids and that they were making goals they would have never previously dreamed of pursuing. These were women who once accepted their pelvic floor and health issues as their ‘new normal’ since giving birth.

When we find out that we are not alone in our problems and that there is a solution that’s achievable, it is such a relief. I have seen so many unnecessary surgeries and health issues that could have been prevented with the right education. I set out to make it a goal to help women reach their fullest potential. If I could help them reach their health goals, they could fully pour into their family and those around them.

We all have pelvic floors. We poop, pee, bend, lift, laugh, have sex and use this part of our body daily. But it’s never talked about in terms of how to keep it healthy. So I love creating a space where women can come and feel safe while diving deeper into this part of their body to appreciate and know it well. I watch them gain a confidence that plays out in various parts of their life and I see this transformation take place where they become inspired, encouraged and stronger; physically, mentally and emotionally. They start to worry less and say yes to more.

I started my business traveling around San Diego seeing women in their homes. I wasn’t able to reach a lot of people this way and I wasn’t able to fully pour into my current patients the way I wanted because I was getting spread thin. “How could I create a system that empowers every woman I work with the ability to have all the resources and tools to take control of their body and health while taking the guesswork out of it?” This led me to create the Holistic Pelvic Coaching program. Women come into the program to get help with their pelvic floor and come out knowing exactly what their body needs to feel it’s healthiest.