More Delightful Job Search, Part 3

Joyful Leader

Oct 24 2024 • 13 mins

Episode three in a short series of episodes about making job searches more delightful.

Today we’re talking about the second of three mindset gremlins that often come along with a job search: this is going to be a slog (or difficult/hard/annoying . . . fill in the blank with your brain’s favorite flavor).

This thought has caused so much misery. 🤓😉And it’s caused so many highly qualified, ambitious people who actually love (yes, you heard that right) many aspects of looking for a job to THINK they dread something they don’t.

Today I’m sharing a way to look at your search that can keep you in high spirits, and rolling with what comes.

Thanks for listening.

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Original music by Amir Sberlo | Never Bored Photograph by Vivian Johnson Design by Deena Rutter This podcast is hosted by

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