How to Get the Most Out Of Your MedSpa Event

Med Spa Accelerator Podcast

Oct 13 2022 • 16 mins

  1. CAPTION 1

If you hosted a medspa event and were disappointed with the turnout, don't worry! There are still ways to get something out of it. In this video, we share four tips for making the most of your medspa event, no matter how many people showed up.

☝🏼 TIP 1: Extend the special promos for a few more days and send a SPECIAL invite to all those who RSVP’d or showed interest in your event.

☝🏼 TIP 2: Assign someone to take photos and videos during your event. Make it look fun and interesting. Not only will you have content for the next few months, but you can also create a bit of FOMO for next time!

☝🏼 TIP 3: It’s all in the follow-up! Having an automated follow-up sequence that includes thanking your attendees, calling them to action to a no-brainer offer, referring a friend, or even asking them for a review will be key to bringing in more business.