Get It WRONG The First Time! (Evolution Over Perfection)

Ignite The World Podcast

Oct 9 2023 • 10 mins

In a world that emphasizes getting things right immediately, we often find ourselves burdened by the weight of "perfectionism." The seemingly overnight hit songmaker without hesitation or flaw – how realistic is this ideal?

The truth? Perfection on the first try is a myth.

In today's episode, titled "Get It WRONG The First Time", I dive into the potent essence of evolution – the process of embracing the beauty of trial and error. The journey isn't about getting it spot-on from the outset. It's about refining, adapting, and, above all, learning.

In a society obsessed with the 'perfect debut', there's a profound freedom in acknowledging our first stumbles. But it's the courage to then stand up, brush off, and make it better that truly counts.

Join me in exploring & reflecting on these pressures of perfection, recognizing our missteps, and more importantly, the art of revision and resilience.

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