Wealth Actually

Sep 12 2023 • 29 mins

https://open.spotify.com/show/51hVAo0WB8Lp1ECeyCWZhC "September 29, 1913: the steamship Dresden is halfway between Belgium and England. On board is one of the most famous men in the world, Rudolf Diesel, whose new internal combustion engine is on the verge of revolutionizing global industry forever. But Diesel never arrives at his destination. He vanishes during the night and headlines around the world wonder if it was an accident, suicide, or murder." Author, DOUG BRUNT, takes us on a journey into the life of this modern day Tesla. We talk about his latest book, "The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel." In this wide-ranging discussion, we get into the world of writing, the entrepreneurism of being an author, the differences between fiction and non-fiction and his "Dedicated" podcast with the leading lights in the publishing world. It's a great listen for budding authors, readers and entrepreneurs. https://www.amazon.com/Mysterious-Case-Rudolf-Diesel-Deception-ebook/dp/B0BV123PC8/ref=sr_1_2?crid=34B7KZ2Y3XBDE&keywords=doug+brunt&qid=1694454066&s=digital-text&sprefix=brunt+%2Cdigital-text%2C128&sr=1-2 Doug's Background From Entrepreneur to Writer Fiction to Non-Fiction- What is different? How did you research the book?Whom do you lean on for advice/notes as you go through the process? The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel What did you learn about the man in your research?The device to interject Rockefeller and Wilhelm for context Diesel's seismic impact- why has he been forgotten? Where do you place him in the pantheon of inventors? The Dedicated Podcast What do you learn in those discussions?How do we keep track of your podcast?When does the book come out and where do we buy it? THE MYSTERIOUS CASE OF RUDOLF DIESEL DEDICATED PODCAST https://open.spotify.com/show/30nZjASHZdffdfDanIaAgz DOUG BRUNT TWITTER (@dougbrunt) https://www.amazon.com/Wealth-Actually-Intelligent-Decision-Making-1-ebook/dp/B07FPQJJQT/