#22: FOOP - Bioavailability Gamechanger and Biochar with CEO Larry Footer

Fair Hill Farmstead Life

Mar 26 2024 • 1 hr 21 mins

Larry Footer founded FOOP Organic Biosciences in 2016 and has been a man on a mission to bring the best possible product to the market for plant growers everywhere. It’s not even fair to call it plant food.  It’s a proprietary blend- a spectrum of beneficial bacteria from fish manure, 11 strains of mycorrhizae, micronutrients and macronutrients from fish manure, fish emulsion, seaweed, volcanic ash and more. The products are for your garden, house or farm. From cloning gel to foliar spray, liquid, and now inoculated biochar –inspired by Larry learning about Terra Preta – This little company in Virginia is growing gangbusters thanks to Larry’s leadership and innovation. Enjoy the tour and the future of FOOP. www.thefoop.com