024: Josiah Ronco of AcreVault.com

Land Maverick Podcast

Aug 18 2023 • 44 mins

Welcome to the Land Maverick podcast! In this episode, we're thrilled to bring you an exclusive interview with Josiah Ronco, a highly accomplished land investor based in sunny Florida. With a remarkable top-line revenue of over $4 million this year and still counting, Josiah is a true success story in the land investment field.

But this episode isn't just about business—it's about camaraderie and candid conversations. For the first time, we let loose and enjoyed some drinks during the recording. Sake, beer, and what seemed to be a mojito set the tone for an open-ended and engaging discussion. We explored a range of topics, from direct mail strategies in the fiercely competitive Florida market to the art of mustache grooming (yes, you read that right!).

Join us as we dive into the world of land investing and discover Josiah's insights into making direct mail work in Florida's challenging landscape. The Land Maverick podcast is your ultimate guide to mastering the art of land investing, sprinkled with a dash of fun and camaraderie.

Tune in now for a must-listen episode that's both informative and entertaining!