3 signs it's time to break up with your job...

The Equity Gap

Nov 9 2021 • 16 mins

I think it’s time we all get out of the scarcity mindset. You know the one - where you stick through, hang out where you’re not all that excited to be, stay in the job to collect that pay cheque or rack up that experience because we’re told we should, because we’ve been taught to be polite, thoughtful, not rock the boat and because we feel like we don’t have options.  Truth bomb - you do have options, plenty of them and your lack mentality is not serving anyone, especially yourself.

In this episode, we chat through 3 signs it's time to break up with your job.  You deserve to thrive at work, don’t wait for the right time to put yourself and your dreams first. It’s 2021 and never has there been a better time to shake that scarcity mindset off, to rethink your programming and consider the possibilities of a life lived on your terms.

If you ever want to connect, provide feedback, share your story or give me any perspective on topics you want me to cover, reach out anytime at thecolourgap@gmail.com

The Colour Gap Podcast is part of the Alberta Podcast Network, locally grown, community supported.

Licensed intro music from NoMo