Why you need to be kinder to yourself

The Equity Gap

Oct 25 2021 • 13 mins

I've felt for a long time that the happiest and most successful people amongst us have a gentleness in which they speak to themselves, in which they look at failure and move through adversity. Yet I wonder why so many of us struggle with self-compassion, with being kind to ourselves and showing up for ourselves in the same ways we show up for our nearest and dearest and what kind of detrimental impact this has on our careers and our ability to truly thrive at work.

In this episode, we explore why you need to be kinder to yourself and more importantly, how. All that negative self talk, all the times you beat yourself up for being human  and the ways in which you don’t give yourself space to make mistakes is detrimental to your progress in ways that will hold you back from accessing the places and opportunities you really deserve. Let's change that together.

If you ever want to connect, provide feedback, share your story or give me any perspective on topics you want me to cover, reach out anytime at thecolourgap@gmail.com

The Colour Gap Podcast is part of the Alberta Podcast Network, locally grown, community supported.

Research cited in this episode:

Give Yourself a Break: The Power of Self-Compassion: https://hbr.org/2018/09/give-yourself-a-break-the-power-of-self-compassion

The power of self-compassion: https://www.tenpercent.com/meditationweeklyblog/the-power-of-self-compassion

Licensed intro music from NoMo