53. How to Master a Job Interview

School of Life

May 13 2024 • 20 mins

About the Episode

Ever found yourself sweating bullets before a job interview, wishing you had the secret playbook to calm your nerves and crush it? That's exactly what we're unpacking in our audio-only journey, as I draw on personal experiences and lay out a battle plan to help you make your mark. From the importance of research to the art of storytelling through the STAR method, we're tackling how to present your experiences with clarity and confidence. Plus, we're turning the tables, ensuring you walk away knowing if the company's culture fits your career aspirations. Get your pens ready; this is the insider's guide to stepping up your interview game.

Time Stamps

(05:46 - 08:19) Job Interview Preparation
(16:47 - 17:50) Key Questions in Job Interviews
(14:47) Effective Interview Prep Strategies