(I Haven’t Made It Yet) What’s the Big Vision for your Business?! - Ep 4

Big Vision Business Owners with Chantelle Dyson

Mar 4 2024 • 20 mins

I didn’t know it before this year, but until recently, I’d been playing it small in my business.

When I first jumped across from teaching to business, I was thinking about hourly rates, what would cover my working, and adopting a self-employed model, working from my previous experiences as a freelancer in theatre.

But over the past 2 years, I’ve realised that if you’re building a business, your visions gotta be bigger.

If you’re not gonna be burnt out from wearing all the hats all the time, you’re gonna need a team.
If you’re gonna have a team, you’re gonna need to craft a culture.
If you’re gonna craft a culture, you’ve got know what it looks like - you’ve gotta have a big vision.

And those visions also extend past your business - what does the vision look like for you in the future?

Having a big vision is the key driving force to any business owner achieving their version of big.

It doesn’t have to mean scaling past 7 figures, but it can allow you to dream past the £40k goal you had for you business “just to replace your salary.”

So listen in to hear my journey of building a big vision for the business, what I hope to build, and how you can flesh out the same big vision for your business too.

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