(I Haven’t Made It Yet) Why I Network Once a Week - Ep 6

Big Vision Business Owners with Chantelle Dyson

Mar 18 2024 • 13 mins

People are always really shocked when I tell them I network at least once a week.

That's my average.

I head to at least one event every single week, mostly in person, to network in the local community, or further afield if I'm  heading to a conference or training.

And that's because networking, at the startup stage of my business, is pivotal for my business.

It's the bit I got wrong in my first business, the part I didn't spend enough time doing. Despite being time-rich, I overlooked this as a key part of bulding relationships, building brand awareness and setting up the foundation for my business.

So listen in to find out the reason I'm committing to networking once a week in 2024, and how this dedication is key to not just surviving but thriving in today's business landscape.

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